In search of the ultimate…….

Over the years I,  (like you i’m guessing) have wasted thousands of ££’s and had countless discussions with my wife about the amount of gear I have purchased and the money I have spent. She would say it is an obsession,  I would say she’s right. I have a shed and garage brimming with shiny bits and bobs that are redundant and unused. Head turned and wallet out….taken in by some blurb about new technology or some other complete rubbish advising on the merits of this great product. In reality, it’s crap – that’s why its in the shed or sitting next to a photo on eBay ! The purpose of this blog is to give honest opinion on hunting and fishing equipment. Now you may agree or disagree with me but I will honest and un-biased in my reviews. The only limitations I have are my finances and workload. Products will be reviewed as regularly as possible and reviewed properly. Not taken out of a bag, photographed and a quick list of the manufacturer’s selling points. Actually taken into the field and given the job it says it can do, whatever the weather. If it says its waterproof, how waterproof ? Durable, how durable ? Manufacturers are sellers……I am a buyer and I want the best my hard earned money can afford Please comment and leave your opinion, it will help others to make a rounded decision on what they spend their money on and advise people like you and me what they can expect (or not) -Small bit about me, I love hunting, fishing, my family and Cuban cigars. (These can be in any order depending on the season and the weather)

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